Empowering Houghton County Students in Cybersecurity Education

Discover the exceptional achievements of Houghton County middle and high school students in the field of cybersecurity. Learn how the Cyberhuskies student club is fostering computing knowledge and preparing students for competitions like the National Cyber League. Find out how these talented students are setting a high standard for cybersecurity education and inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.

Empowering Houghton County Students in Cybersecurity Education

Empowering Houghton County Students in Cybersecurity Education - -1859085849

( Credit to: Uppermichiganssource )

Houghton County middle and high school students are making waves in the field of cybersecurity. Known as the Cyberhuskies, these talented students are part of a cybersecurity student club that focuses on studying computing knowledge, including cybersecurity, Linux, and machine learning. The club, which primarily consists of high school and middle school students from Houghton and the surrounding areas, has been active since 2019.

Under the guidance of MTU Applied Computing Professor and Associate Chair, Yu Cai, the Cyberhuskies meet on weekends during the school year for nearly two hours of training with university faculty. This training prepares them for competitions such as the National Cyber League (NCL), where they put their skills to the test in categories like encryption and decryption.

This year, the Cyberhuskies participated in the NCL for the second time, and their performance was exceptional. All students scored high marks across the board, showcasing their expertise in the field. Anna Wu and Rachel Sun from Houghton High School (HHS) were among the students who attended the competition both times. Their teams ranked 7th and 39th out of 600, respectively.

The Journey of Cyberhuskies

Reflecting on the experience, Anna Wu noted the multitude of ways information can be stored, but also how vulnerable it is to hacking. Rachel Sun emphasized the team's growth and improvement over the years. Gabriel Hjerstedt and Daniel Xie, also from HHS, achieved top 150 placements in the individual competition. Gabriel appreciated the variety of categories in the competition, allowing for continuous learning, while Daniel valued the teamwork aspect and the diverse perspectives it brought.

For first-year members Luke Meyers and Alex Svandize, the decision to join the Cyberhuskies was driven by curiosity and the opportunity to learn. Luke was initially influenced by his friend Maxwell, who was already involved in the club. Alex fondly recalled the moments when the team worked together to solve challenging questions, leveraging their collective knowledge and problem-solving skills.

Inspiring the Future of Cybersecurity

The Cyberhuskies express their gratitude to Michigan Tech's College of Computing for its support. For those interested in joining the program, they can find more information on the club's website.

The accomplishments of these Houghton County students in the field of cybersecurity are impressive, and they serve as a testament to the importance of fostering interest and providing opportunities for young minds to excel in this rapidly growing field. With their dedication and passion, the Cyberhuskies are setting a high standard for cybersecurity education and inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.

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