Bridging the Gap: Parry Sound High School Connects Students and Industry Partners

Parry Sound High School (PSHS) has launched a Tech and Trades Showcase to promote skilled trades as a viable career option for students. The showcase provides industry representatives with the opportunity to engage with teachers, tour classrooms, and showcase their businesses directly to students. With plans to expand and involve younger students, this event has the potential to shape the future workforce and promote a strong connection between education and industry.

Parry Sound High School Launches Tech and Trades Showcase

Bridging the Gap: Parry Sound High School Connects Students and Industry Partners - 1849928989

( Credit to: Northernontario )

Parry Sound High School (PSHS) has recently launched a Tech and Trades Showcase, aiming to bridge the gap between industry partners and students. The event, which was held for the first time this year, aims to promote skilled trades as a viable career option for students.

Bridging the Gap: Parry Sound High School Connects Students and Industry Partners - -1482646940

( Credit to: Northernontario )

The showcase provided industry representatives with the opportunity to tour the school's construction, automotive, and culinary arts classrooms. They engaged in discussions with teachers about education and career pathways. The event also allowed industry partners to showcase their businesses directly to students.

Blair Cousins, the hospitality and culinary arts teacher and technology team leader at PSHS, expressed the need for greater awareness of skilled trades within the school system. He emphasized the importance of bringing industry partners into the school to expose students to potential career opportunities and to help them develop an understanding of the personalities and opportunities available in the trades.

Inspiring Future Careers: The Origin of the Tech and Trades Showcase

Bridging the Gap: Parry Sound High School Connects Students and Industry Partners - 203602522

( Credit to: Northernontario )

The idea for the Tech and Trades Showcase originated from a dinner hosted by the school last year for members of the construction and transportation industry. During the dinner, industry insiders discussed the school's programs and explored ways to support its trade programs. This led to the creation of the showcase, which aims to connect students with industry professionals.

The showcase not only provided students with the opportunity to interact directly with employers but also exposed them to presentations that inspired questions and potential opportunities for co-op placements, Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program training, and future well-paying careers.

Joel Constable, a councillor from McDougall Township and a construction business owner, highlighted the importance of showcasing different career avenues to young people. He emphasized the need for students to be aware of the rewarding opportunities available in the trades.

Expanding the Showcase: Future Plans and Involvement of Elementary School Students

The Near North District School Board plans to make the Tech and Trades Showcase an annual event. Future showcases will have a greater focus on construction, green energy, technology, and workplace safety. The school also hopes to involve elementary school students in future showcases to introduce them to the trades as a viable career option and guide them through their high school education.

The Tech and Trades Showcase at Parry Sound High School is a commendable initiative that aims to bridge the gap between industry partners and students. By exposing students to various trades and providing them with direct access to industry professionals, the showcase encourages students to consider skilled trades as a viable career option. With plans to expand and involve younger students, this event has the potential to shape the future workforce and promote a strong connection between education and industry.

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