University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Students Excel in National Cybersecurity Competition

A team of University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa students achieved an impressive fifth-place finish in the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Regional Competition. Their success highlights the valuable skills gained in network security and teamwork under pressure.

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Students Excel in National Cybersecurity Competition

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Students Excel in National Cybersecurity Competition - -1843958144

( Credit to: Hawaii )

A team of University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa students recently participated in the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Regional Competition (CCDC) and achieved an impressive fifth-place finish. This success highlights the valuable skills gained in network security and teamwork under pressure.

The competition aimed to challenge participants with real-world scenarios, providing them with practical experience in safeguarding network infrastructure against skilled hackers. The UH Mānoa team, consisting of eight undergraduate and graduate information and computer science students, demonstrated their expertise and dedication to cybersecurity.

Wilson Tran, a senior computer science student and one of the team leads, emphasized the importance of this competition for cybersecurity enthusiasts. He highlighted that success in the competition requires a strong foundation in securing computers within a network and technical expertise in various operating systems and virtualization technologies. Tran believes that preparing for and participating in this competition is one of the most effective ways to gain the necessary skills for a career in cybersecurity.

Challenging Real-World Scenarios and Remote Competition

The UH Mānoa team competed remotely from their campus and faced a series of time-limited business tasks. These tasks included setting up a printer remotely, managing network services, and implementing secure login procedures for new employees during the onboarding process.

However, the most challenging and practical aspect of the competition was dealing with skilled hackers whose goal was to infiltrate the networks and disrupt service operations for as long as possible. This provided the team with a realistic experience of defending against cyber threats.

Relevance of Skills Acquired and Networking Opportunities

Jake Imanaka, a computer science master's student and another team lead at UH Mānoa, emphasized the relevance of the skills acquired during the preparation and participation in the CCDC. He stated that the competition not only teaches students the technical skills required to defend and manage a network, but also hones their ability to work as a team under extreme time constraints and pressure.

Additionally, performing well in the competition can lead to networking opportunities and direct job offers, as the CCDC is highly regarded in the cybersecurity field. It serves as a platform for students to showcase their abilities and connect with industry professionals.

Continued Pursuit of Excellence in Cybersecurity

Although the UH Mānoa team did not qualify for the national competition, Wilson Tran and Jake Imanaka expressed their determination to start preparing for next year's event. They encourage interested individuals to stay updated with announcements and other information on the team's Discord page.

The Information and Computer Sciences Department at UH Mānoa's College of Natural Sciences is proud of the team's accomplishments and fully supports their ongoing pursuit of excellence in the field of cybersecurity.

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