The Importance of AI Policy Frameworks in Cybersecurity

Learn about the urgent need for regulations and policy frameworks to combat cybercriminals leveraging AI in cybersecurity. Discover how AI and machine learning can be used to detect and counter threats, but also the importance of human involvement in ensuring reliability. Find out why collaboration between government bodies, industry players, and civil society is crucial to develop comprehensive policies that protect data, privacy, and individuals' rights in the digital age.

The Importance of AI Policy Frameworks in Cybersecurity

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( Credit to: Thenews )

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about numerous advancements and opportunities across various industries. However, it has also opened the door to new threats and challenges in the realm of cybersecurity. As such, the adoption of AI must be accompanied by a robust policy framework to guide both industry professionals and the public on what can and cannot be produced using this technology.

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( Credit to: Thenews )

Just as there are regulations in place for the production of firearms, those who create AI-based malicious and destructive data for criminal activities should face similar consequences. This policy framework is crucial for ensuring the responsible adoption and production of AI.

Addressing Cybersecurity Threats in Pakistan

Recent data from Kaspersky, a leading cybersecurity company, reveals a concerning trend in Pakistan. Cyberthreats in the country increased by 17 percent in 2023 compared to the previous year, with 24.4 percent of users being affected by online threats. Attacks using banking malware rose by 59 percent, targeting online banking credentials and sensitive information. Trojan attacks, which disguise themselves as legitimate computer programs but run malicious code, increased by 35 percent. Ransomware attacks, which encrypt a victim's data and demand payment for its release, also saw a 24 percent increase.

Globally, there has been a surge in targeted ransomware groups and victims, with a 30 percent and 70 percent increase, respectively, from 2022 to 2023. Insufficient cybersecurity investment has led to cyber incidents in 15 percent of companies worldwide, with critical infrastructure, oil and gas, and energy organizations being the most affected.

The Urgent Need for Regulations and Policy Frameworks

These alarming statistics highlight the urgent need for regulations to combat cybercriminals who are increasingly utilizing AI. During the 9th annual Cyber Security Weekend – META 2024, experts emphasized the importance of AI and cybersecurity regulations in safeguarding future generations from cyber-attacks.

Shahzad Shahid, a Policy Advocate and Expert on IT and Digital Economy in Pakistan, stressed the need for a policy framework in the financial sector. As people trust financial institutions with their sensitive information, controls must be in place to protect them from indirect hacking. Creating awareness, education, and implementing good policies and frameworks are essential to safeguard user data and maintain trust among stakeholders.

The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

Governments can learn from the experiences of the private sector, which has been quicker to adopt AI. It is crucial for government and law enforcement agencies to have the necessary capabilities and capacities to counter cybercriminals who leverage the latest technologies and tools.

Kaspersky experts revealed that AI and machine learning have been instrumental in countering over 400,000 threats. Detecting and countering such a massive volume of threats daily would not be possible without the support of these technologies. However, it is essential to follow guidelines and develop policy frameworks that minimize risks. Humans should not solely rely on technology, as it may not always provide accurate information. Cross-checking by humans is crucial in ensuring the reliability of AI-generated content.

Challenges and Collaboration for Effective Cybersecurity Policies

Pakistan faces significant challenges in data protection, AI, and cybersecurity policies. While the country has made progress in developing regulations to safeguard data and privacy, implementation remains a considerable issue. The lack of comprehensive legislation and enforcement mechanisms leaves individuals and organizations vulnerable to data breaches and cyber threats. Collaboration between government bodies, industry players, and civil society is crucial in developing comprehensive policies that balance innovation with ethical considerations and protect individuals' rights in the digital age.

AI has the potential to promote economic growth, create new jobs and industries, and improve productivity and efficiency. Governments must develop a roadmap for the adoption of AI, learning from the private sector's experiences. Awareness about AI should be increased among the general public, as many individuals are still unaware of its capabilities. The cybersecurity industry must adhere to strict ethical principles to protect data and ensure the responsible adoption of AI and machine learning.

Conclusion: Safeguarding Future Generations

In conclusion, the adoption of AI must be accompanied by a robust policy framework to address the challenges and threats posed by cybercriminals. Governments and industry professionals must work together to develop comprehensive regulations that protect individuals' data and privacy while promoting innovation and economic growth. Only through collaboration and proactive measures can we safeguard future generations from the ever-evolving landscape of cyber-attacks.

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