Simon Chassar: Leading the Charge in Cybersecurity and Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure

Simon Chassar, a seasoned executive in cybersecurity, is committed to protecting critical infrastructure and navigating the evolving cybersecurity landscape. With expertise in leadership principles and inclusivity, Simon is shaping the future of cybersecurity.

Simon Chassar: Leading the Charge in Cybersecurity and Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure

Simon Chassar: Leading the Charge in Cybersecurity and Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure - 508723554

( Credit to: Ciolook )

Simon Chassar, a seasoned executive in enterprise technology, cybersecurity, and services, has left an indelible mark on the industry throughout his impressive two-decade career. With a wealth of international experience, Simon has successfully led sales and business operations in various sectors, including SaaS, software, hardware, and IT.

His recent tenure as the Former Chief Revenue Officer at Claroty showcased his exceptional skills in navigating the complex world of global cybersecurity sales and operations, further solidifying his commitment to securing critical infrastructure in our increasingly digitalized world.

A Champion for Cybersecurity

Simon's passion for cybersecurity and protecting society is evident in his career choices. As the Former Chief Revenue Officer of Claroty, he played a pivotal role in safeguarding the industrial economy and healthcare systems from cyber threats.

Simon's expertise in cybersecurity technology controls and services, acquired during his time at NTT, led him to emphasize the importance of building cybersecurity into digital transformation initiatives from the ground level.

His commitment to protecting critical infrastructure extends beyond revenue goals, as he aims to help organizations meet new cybersecurity regulations and ensure business continuity in the era of Digital Transformation Acceleration and Industry 5.0.

Key Challenges in the Evolving Cybersecurity Landscape

Simon identifies several key challenges in the cybersecurity landscape that organizations must address. The escalating threat posed by cyber-attacks from nation-states and increasingly sophisticated criminal actors requires swift adoption of new technology solutions.

Artificial Intelligence plays a crucial role in developing advanced, machine-driven defensive strategies. Moreover, the impact of techno-nationalism and geopolitical uncertainties adds complexity, necessitating organizations to adopt new technologies quickly.

Cloud and AI for Cyber become focal points in the strategic response to these challenges. Additionally, organizations must navigate regulatory compliance and technology debt while facing budget pressures resulting from market headwinds.

Leadership Principles

Simon's leadership principles revolve around putting people first, emphasizing integrity, and maintaining a customer-centric approach. He follows the CIA principle, which stands for Control, Influence, and Acceptance.

By evaluating the situation and utilizing available resources effectively, Simon focuses on what he can control or influence positively. He radiates positive energy and behavior to create a momentum multiplier within his team, fostering collaboration and delivering results.

Framework for Hypergrowth

Simon introduces the concept of the three Ps in the hypergrowth startup lifecycle: Penetration, Protection, and Proliferation. Each phase represents a distinct aspect of growth and collaboration.

Penetration focuses on establishing a presence by showcasing a viable solution, while Protection involves building a strong foundation and collaboration across cyber services and partner ecosystems. Finally, Proliferation encourages extensive collaboration and alliances to address industry-wide challenges, fostering the sharing of intelligence and IP for the greater good.

Team Building and Career Guidance

Simon prioritizes hiring individuals he trusts, but he also seeks those who exhibit intrinsic motivation and find fulfillment in being part of a journey or mission.

This mindset contributes to scalability during hypergrowth, fostering a collaborative environment where everyone relies on each other and adapts well to change.

Simon emphasizes acting with integrity, treating others with respect, and avoiding compromising one's integrity, as the cybersecurity industry thrives on trust and delivering results.

Championing Inclusivity in the Cybersecurity Sector

During Simon's tenure at Claroty, the company embraced gender diversity by having five female members on the executive team.

They advocated for inclusivity in hiring and promotion, irrespective of individuals' backgrounds, race, or identity.

Simon, as a father of two girls, aspires for the industry to go even further, actively promoting cybersecurity opportunities for women in schools and colleges worldwide.

He is committed to fostering a more equitable and inclusive future for the cybersecurity industry.

Innovating Safely in Cybersecurity

Simon believes that organizations should actively seek out innovative technologies aligned with frameworks like NIST, ISO27001, SOC2, or CES.

As long as innovation enhances cyber posture, reduces risk, and meets governance requirements, organizations should embrace it.

A proactive approach to adopting these technologies accelerates secure digital transformation, enabling organizations to evolve rapidly in the digital landscape.

Approach to Staying Informed

To stay informed about emerging trends, Simon monitors threat intelligence reports, tracks innovations from leading cybersecurity technology companies, and follows Venture Capitalists and Private Equity firms investing in relevant technologies.

By connecting insights from entrepreneurs and technologists with changes in the digital landscape, macroeconomic shifts, or geopolitical changes, Simon stays aware and learns more about emerging challenges.

This approach supports organizations in achieving hypergrowth by addressing client needs and delivering outcomes.


Simon Chassar's distinguished career in cybersecurity and enterprise technology has positioned him as a leader in safeguarding critical infrastructure and guiding organizations through the complexities of the evolving cybersecurity landscape.

With his expertise, leadership principles, and commitment to inclusivity, Simon is shaping the future of cybersecurity, fortifying businesses against emerging threats, and fostering a more equitable and secure digital world.

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