Protecting Fleet and Trucks from Cyber Attacks: A Growing Urgency

Learn why safeguarding fleets and trucks from cyber attacks is becoming increasingly urgent, and how Serjon's cybersecurity training program, in collaboration with ATA's TMC, aims to equip industry professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to defend against cyber threats.

The Growing Urgency to Protect Fleets and Trucks from Cyber Attacks

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( Credit to: Fleetequipmentmag )

In recent times, the need to safeguard fleets and trucks from cyber attacks has become increasingly urgent. With the rise of interconnected technology in the transportation industry, the potential for cyber threats has grown exponentially. It is crucial for companies to prioritize cybersecurity measures to protect their assets, ensure uninterrupted operations, and safeguard the economy from potential harm.

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( Credit to: Fleetequipmentmag )

Serjon, a leading cybersecurity company, has highlighted a concerning incident where a 'cyber worm' infiltrated an Electronic Logging Device (ELD) in a truck, resulting in the complete shutdown of the vehicle's system. This worm can also spread to other connected vehicles, potentially immobilizing multiple trucks. This scenario is similar to physical hacking, where a malicious actor targets specific trucking technology, causing widespread disruption.

Aside from the obvious delay in deliveries, these cyber attacks could make trucks attractive targets for individuals aiming to harm the economy. According to BusinessDIT, 60% of businesses that fall victim to cyber attacks are forced to shut down within six months. The consequences are severe, and the need to mitigate such threats is paramount.

Serjon's Cybersecurity Training Program: Equipping Industry Professionals to Defend Against Cyber Threats

Recognizing the urgent need to enhance cybersecurity within the trucking industry, Serjon has developed a comprehensive cybersecurity training program. This program is designed to equip industry professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to secure and defend systems against cyber threats.

The training covers several essential topics, including an introduction to cybersecurity basics, the importance of firewalls and endpoint protection, computer equipment setup and configuration, maintaining and monitoring environments, building resilient and recoverable environments, understanding the role of managed service providers, and defending heavy-duty vehicles.

In collaboration with the American Trucking Association's (ATA) Technology and Maintenance Council (TMC), Serjon is offering this training to its members. This partnership highlights their commitment to fortifying the industry against cyber threats and creating a safer and more secure environment for trucking operations.

Prioritizing Cybersecurity Measures: Safeguarding Fleets and Trucking Companies

As cyber attacks continue to evolve and pose a significant threat to the transportation sector, it is crucial for fleets and trucking companies to prioritize cybersecurity measures. By investing in comprehensive training programs and implementing robust security protocols, businesses can better protect their assets and ensure uninterrupted operations.

The collaboration between Serjon and ATA's TMC signifies a collective effort to fortify the industry against cyber threats. By working together, they aim to provide a safer and more secure environment for trucking operations, ultimately safeguarding the economy from potential harm.

Conclusion: Enhancing Resilience in the Trucking Industry

The need to protect fleets and trucks from cyber attacks has become increasingly urgent. The potential consequences of such attacks, including complete system shutdowns and economic harm, make it imperative for companies to prioritize cybersecurity.

Serjon's cybersecurity training program, in collaboration with ATA's TMC, aims to equip industry professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to defend against cyber threats. By taking proactive measures, the trucking industry can enhance its resilience and ensure the uninterrupted flow of goods and services.

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