OIC-CERT Industry Roundtable at MWC 2024: Instilling Digital Trust & Resilience

OIC-CERT organized a high-level industry roundtable at MWC 2024 to discuss the evolving global cybersecurity landscape and the challenges associated with it. The roundtable focused on instilling digital trust and resilience, with action plans including the establishment of working groups for 5G security, cloud security, and potential AI security and supply chain security.

OIC-CERT Industry Roundtable at MWC 2024: Instilling Digital Trust & Resilience

OIC-CERT Industry Roundtable at MWC 2024: Instilling Digital Trust & Resilience - -1344158225

( Credit to: Menafn )

OIC-CERT organized a high-level industry roundtable during the MWC 2024 event in Barcelona, Spain. The purpose of the roundtable was to discuss the evolving global cybersecurity landscape and the challenges associated with it. Thirteen members and organizations from countries such as Oman, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Brunei, Egypt, Bangladesh, Jordan, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, and Huawei participated in the event.

The theme of the roundtable was "Instilling Digital Trust & Resilience". The participating members of OIC-CERT finalized action plans and initiatives during the event. These included the establishment of the OIC-CERT 5G Working Group and Cloud Security Working Group, as well as the development of frameworks for 5G security and cloud security. Additionally, there were discussions about the potential creation of a new working group for AI security and supply chain security.

Eng. Badar Ali Said Al Salehi, Chair of OIC-CERT and Director General of Oman National CERT (OCERT), delivered the opening address at the event. He emphasized the commitment of OIC-CERT to making cyberspace safe and highlighted the importance of global collaboration in mitigating cyber threats.

Enhancing Digital Trust and Resilience: Key Insights from the OIC-CERT Roundtable

The OIC-CERT industry roundtable at MWC 2024 provided a platform for cybersecurity experts from various countries and organizations to come together and discuss key issues related to the cybersecurity landscape. Through global collaboration and joint initiatives, the aim is to build digital trust and boost cyber resilience in the face of evolving cyber threats.

During the event, several high-level speakers shared their insights on crucial cybersecurity topics. Professor Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary, Coordinator General of the OIC Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH), delivered a keynote address, emphasizing the importance of instilling digital trust and resilience in today's interconnected world.

Sean Yang, Huawei Global Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection Officer, hosted a session on the need to enhance digital trust and resilience. As a commercial member of OIC-CERT, Huawei played an active role in the discussions, highlighting the company's commitment to cybersecurity.

Collaboration and Action Plans: Strengthening Cybersecurity Initiatives

The roundtable discussions led to the establishment of the OIC-CERT 5G Working Group and Cloud Security Working Group. These groups will focus on developing frameworks and strategies to enhance security in the areas of 5G and cloud computing. The potential creation of a new working group for AI security and supply chain security was also explored.

One of the key sessions during the roundtable highlighted the roles of multiple stakeholders, including regulatory authorities, industry organizations, and enterprises, in enhancing digital trust and resilience. The importance of aligning interests and leveraging collective expertise to fortify resilience in an increasingly interconnected world was emphasized.

The actions and measures required to instill digital trust and resilience were discussed in another session. The risks organizations face if they do not take deliberate actions to enhance their cybersecurity posture were highlighted. Strategic actions and rigorous measurement practices were emphasized as essential components of a strong cybersecurity strategy.

Industry Development and Collaboration: Building a Secure Cyber Landscape

During the event, a case study on the Cybersecurity Industry Development Strategy Maturity Model (CIDSMM) was presented. This collaborative project between ITU-ARCC and Huawei showcased the importance of industry development strategies in enhancing cybersecurity.

The roundtable also explored ways to enhance collaboration between OIC-CERT and COMSTECH. The importance of strengthening this collaboration was emphasized, as it can lead to more effective cybersecurity initiatives and a stronger cyber landscape.

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