Virginia Tech's Child Development Center Fosters Inclusion and Communication for Deaf Children

Virginia Tech's Child Development Center prioritizes the well-being and inclusive communication of deaf children, fostering an environment where they can fully engage and connect with their peers and educators.

Virginia Tech's Child Development Center: Fostering Inclusion and Communication for Deaf Children

Virginia Tech's Child Development Center Fosters Inclusion and Communication for Deaf Children - -1758263994

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Virginia Tech's Child Development Center for Research and Learning is making a significant impact on the lives of deaf children by prioritizing their well-being and fostering inclusive communication. Through a commitment to providing a nurturing environment and embracing American Sign Language (ASL), children can fully engage and connect with their peers and educators.

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The Child Development Center is not only a place for children to learn and play but also serves as an experiential learning experience for students. Under the guidance of teaching professionals, students studying human development and childhood pre-education have the opportunity to gain valuable classroom experience and work directly with children and families. This hands-on experience allows students to witness the rapid and critical brain development that occurs during the early years, shaping the outcomes for a child's entire life.

Bennett's Journey: Embracing Inclusive Communication

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( Credit to: News )

Bennett, a deaf child who uses cochlear implants to hear, attends the Child Development Center with his supportive parents, David and Sheree Andrews. Although the implants assist him in auditory perception, his parents are keen for him to learn sign language to ensure effective communication in various situations and to foster a stronger connection with the deaf community. Recognizing this, the center has warmly embraced the family's desire for Bennett to learn ASL, with student Margaret Buxton taking the lead in facilitating his learning.

Margaret Buxton, a childhood pre-education development major, has made it her mission to learn ASL to better communicate with Bennett. She practices sign language with him daily in the classroom, utilizing a combination of signs and verbalization. Buxton's dedication to learning sign language not only supports Bennett's language development but also provides a smooth transition between home and school, as his family is also learning ASL. The center's commitment to Bennett's linguistic growth has made a profound impact on his life, as he frequently returns home signing new words.

Inclusive Learning for All: Creating an Accessible Environment

The Child Development Center recognizes the importance of inclusivity and accessibility in early childhood education. For Buxton, who herself has struggled with dyslexia, helping children succeed and fostering inclusive environments has always been a passion. Through her field study placement at the center, she has found the perfect opportunity to combine her interest in language and teaching with her desire to support children with diverse learning needs.

Upon graduation, Buxton plans to become a teacher who prioritizes accessibility in her classroom. She acknowledges that ASL is not just about learning signs but also encompasses body expressions and facial expressions, making it a unique language with its own grammar. Meanwhile, Bennett's parents are also actively learning ASL through online classes and tutoring, ensuring they can support their son's language development.

The Future of Inclusive Education: Paving the Way for Accessible Classrooms

Virginia Tech's Child Development Center for Research and Learning is setting an example for early childhood education by prioritizing inclusivity and communication for deaf children. Through their commitment to ASL and providing students with valuable classroom experience, the center is fostering an environment where children like Bennett can thrive. The center's dedication to supporting the development of deaf children is a testament to the university's commitment to its community and the future of inclusive education.

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