Cyberattack on Change Healthcare: Vulnerabilities and the Need for Decentralized Cybersecurity

The recent cyberattack on Change Healthcare highlights the vulnerabilities of our healthcare systems and the reliance on third-party software providers. Experts emphasize the need for decentralized cybersecurity systems to mitigate the risks posed by cyber threats.

The Vulnerabilities of Healthcare Systems and the Need for Decentralized Cybersecurity

Cyberattack on Change Healthcare: Vulnerabilities and the Need for Decentralized Cybersecurity - 1503000529

( Credit to: News )

The recent cyberattack on Change Healthcare has exposed the vulnerabilities of our healthcare systems and the heavy reliance on third-party software providers. This incident has caused significant disruptions in the delivery of healthcare services, particularly in the processing of prescriptions at pharmacies across the country. It is a wake-up call for the healthcare industry to prioritize robust cybersecurity measures and the development of decentralized infrastructure.

Cyberattack on Change Healthcare: Vulnerabilities and the Need for Decentralized Cybersecurity - -1279554990

( Credit to: News )

Kevin Fu, a cybersecurity expert and professor at Northeastern University, emphasizes the interconnected nature of these systems. He highlights that many companies are unaware of the extent to which they depend on various software components. In this case, the affected software is a crucial component of healthcare delivery, deeply integrated into pharmacies, leading to widespread outages.

Change Healthcare, a health-tech company providing tools to pharmacies and healthcare providers, reported a cyberattack by a suspected nation-state threat actor. The company took its systems offline to investigate and resolve the issue, resulting in prescription delays at major pharmacy chains like CVS and Walgreens.

According to Fu, the need to shut down the systems indicates a significant flaw in their cybersecurity design. Legacy software applications often lack resilience against adversaries, making them vulnerable to cyberattacks. Aanjhan Ranganathan, a cybersecurity expert and professor at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences, suggests that these attacks highlight the need for decentralized systems that are more flexible, resilient, and less prone to single points of failure.

Building Decentralized Cybersecurity Systems

Decentralized cybersecurity systems are crucial to mitigating the risks posed by cyber threats. Aanjhan Ranganathan emphasizes the importance of rethinking and rebuilding network infrastructure from the ground up to create more flexible and resilient systems. These systems should prioritize security and privacy, rather than solely focusing on functionality.

Ranganathan suggests that critical data should not be stored in a single location. Instead, it should be distributed across multiple locations with different encryption keys. This approach ensures that even if one part of the data becomes inaccessible, it can be recovered using information from other locations. By distributing the infrastructure, the impact of a cyberattack is minimized, as attackers would need to target multiple endpoints to cause significant disruption.

Implementing decentralized cybersecurity systems requires a complex task of redesigning and rebuilding network infrastructure. However, it is necessary to address the vulnerabilities and risks associated with centralized systems. The healthcare industry, along with other sectors heavily reliant on software systems, must prioritize the development of decentralized and resilient infrastructure to protect against cyber threats.


The recent cyberattack on Change Healthcare highlights the vulnerabilities of our healthcare systems and the reliance on third-party software providers. It serves as a wake-up call for the healthcare industry to prioritize robust cybersecurity measures and the development of decentralized infrastructure. Building decentralized cybersecurity systems that distribute critical data across multiple locations is crucial to mitigating the risks posed by cyber threats. It is imperative that organizations prioritize the development of resilient infrastructure to protect against future attacks.

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