The Growing Challenges of Cybersecurity Professionals: A Closer Look

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, cybersecurity professionals face growing challenges that are impacting their careers and organizations. A recent survey conducted by Enterprise Strategy Group on behalf of Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) International sheds light on the increasing difficulties faced by cybersecurity professionals. This article delves into the survey findings, highlighting the impact of the cybersecurity skills shortage and the need for organizations to invest in training and tools to mitigate these challenges.

The Increasing Difficulty of Working as a Cybersecurity Professional

Explore the challenges faced by cybersecurity professionals in their day-to-day work

Working as a cybersecurity professional has become increasingly difficult in recent years. According to the survey, 66% of professionals found their work to be more challenging, with 27% stating it is much more difficult. The complexity of cybersecurity and the increasing workload were cited as the main reasons for this difficulty.

With cyberattacks on the rise and an expanding attack surface, cybersecurity professionals are facing a constant battle to protect their organizations. Additionally, many teams are understaffed, further adding to the workload and stress levels.

Despite these challenges, 80% of professionals reported being satisfied with their current positions. However, it is important for organizations to address the increasing difficulty of the job to retain their cybersecurity talent.

The Impact of the Cybersecurity Skills Shortage

Examine the consequences of the shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals

The survey revealed that 71% of organizations are impacted by the cybersecurity skills shortage, a significant increase from the previous year. This shortage leads to increased workloads, unfilled job requisitions, and high burnout rates among cybersecurity staff.

Areas most affected by the skills shortage include application security, cloud security, security analysis and investigations, and security engineering. The inability to fully learn and utilize cybersecurity tools is also a consequence of the shortage.

Recruiting and hiring cybersecurity professionals has become extremely difficult, with 88% of respondents finding it challenging. Organizations need to address this shortage by investing in training and development programs to build a skilled workforce.

The Stressful Aspects of Being a Cybersecurity Professional

Explore the factors that contribute to stress in the cybersecurity field

Workload was identified as the most stressful aspect of being a cybersecurity professional, with 35% of respondents highlighting it as a major challenge. Other stress factors include working with disinterested business managers, initiatives started without cybersecurity input, and keeping up with the needs of new IT initiatives.

These stressors can take a toll on professionals, leading to burnout and decreased job satisfaction. It is crucial for organizations to address these factors and provide support to their cybersecurity teams to ensure their well-being and productivity.

The Need for Increased Investment in Training and Tools

Highlight the importance of investing in cybersecurity training and tools

As cyberattacks continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, organizations must invest in training and tools to equip their cybersecurity professionals with the necessary skills and resources to protect against these threats.

The survey found that 60% of respondents believe their organizations could be doing more to mitigate the cybersecurity skills shortage. This includes investing in training programs, providing access to the latest cybersecurity tools, and prioritizing cybersecurity in budget and compliance considerations.

By investing in their cybersecurity teams, organizations can not only address the challenges faced by professionals but also enhance their overall security posture and protect against potential cyber threats.


The survey findings highlight the increasing difficulties faced by cybersecurity professionals in today's evolving threat landscape. The complexity of the job, the cybersecurity skills shortage, and the impact of cyberattacks contribute to the challenges professionals encounter.

To address these challenges, organizations need to invest in training and tools to support their cybersecurity teams. By prioritizing cybersecurity, organizations can mitigate the skills shortage, reduce stress levels, and enhance their overall security posture.


How can organizations address the cybersecurity skills shortage?

Organizations can address the cybersecurity skills shortage by investing in training programs, providing access to the latest cybersecurity tools, and prioritizing cybersecurity in budget and compliance considerations.

What are the most stressful aspects of being a cybersecurity professional?

The most stressful aspects of being a cybersecurity professional include workload, working with disinterested business managers, initiatives started without cybersecurity input, and keeping up with the needs of new IT initiatives.

Why is it important to invest in cybersecurity training and tools?

Investing in cybersecurity training and tools is crucial to equip professionals with the necessary skills and resources to protect against evolving cyber threats. It enhances the overall security posture of organizations and helps mitigate potential risks.

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